Archive for August, 2007


I’ve lost the last bit of hope for humanity I had…

After watching this, I am astounded that this girl knows how to tie her shoes or even speak.

And in the “let’s turn to anonymous people on the internet for money to pay our bills” department, we have this winner at the Pay My Loans LiveJournal. Seriously, everyone is drowning in debt right now. Get over it. I work my ass off and can barely get my head above water.

There’s also a Myspace.

I hate America.


In my travels…

Electric Mindshaft

Today, as I was going to The Steamtown Mall, I decided to take a little walk down Lackawanna Avenue and I’m glad I did.

I love used CD stores and finding Electric Mindshaft definitely is the best place I’ve seen since I found Generation Records in New York City a few years ago.

I walked in and expected it to be complete waste of time because of the literal STACKS of CD’s and records everywhere, but to my surprise it was definitely organized and there were some amazing finds to be made, with prices ranging from $4 to $8 a pop, I could’ve spent every cent I had in my pocket, but refrained.

If you’re ever in the Northeastern Pennsylvania area, a stop in here is CRUCIAL.

Electric Mindshaft is located at 227 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, PA 18503


I guess I’m a criminal?

Delusion and all its glory.

I really don’t have much to add to this. It pretty much stands alone in how asinine this person sounds.